Welcome Back 2018-2019





Happy October Everyone,

The first few months of school have flew by. I can’t believe its already October. This year I will be teaching 4th and 5th grade computers, where we will be covering topics such as; the history of computers, coding, website development, and google suite. I will also be co- teaching 7th grade Social Studies, some gym classes and last but not least pre school.


Coding is the Future









As the new year begins, and the second marking period comes to a close, computer  class is wrapping up the typing unit. I am very pleased to see how much the students have progressed with their touch typing skills, and how seriously they have taken it. We have spent a lot of time discussing how important typing is, and how crucial it will be as they transition into high school college, and the real world. Memorial School students are getting a tiny dose of how important typing skills are as we have now “Gone Google” here in school. Instead of hand it in, teachers are now requesting  work to be sent in which students are forced to type.

Enough said about typing as the 3rd marking period begins, we will re-direct our focus towards coding. Coding is a skill in which students will be creating algorithms (a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations). Some to the tools we will be using are code.org, lightbot, which can be found on abcya.com , scratch.mit.edu and for the eighth graders code combat. Students will be using these interactive experiences to develop, create and simulate new or existing games. Please keep in mind that coding is for all ages, and all levels of technology users. All resources mentioned above are all online, and are all free. They can be a great family bonding experience.

Memorial Goes Google!

October  3, 2016



As the students continue to work very hard and learn many new features that technology education has to offer, the  Memorial school students are now going to be going Google. Students in grades 3-8 all now have their very own school issued and monitored google account. Students will now have the capability to send and receive email to and from their teachers and classmates, use educationally sound Google apps such as docs, sheets, and slides. The use of Google apps is slowly growing throughout Memorial school, as it has also become the go to tool for teachers and administrators to collaborate among each other. 

My plan as the computer teacher is to walk students through a step by step process to ensure that the students are familiar and confident with the use of every aspect of Google.

As always I am confident that the students will learn a lot and do a great job while in computer class. I am looking forward towards a great year.

                                                                            Mr. Altmajer